Five hundred years ago the earth was still believed to be flat and much of it was uncharted and unknown in the 'civilised world'. The world we live in today is shrinking but our known Universe, through advances in science and technology is growing in magnitude: global communications are now possible within seconds. We stand at the beginning of the new millennium and regular space travel in the next 100 years is highly probable. Within the next 500 years exploration and even colonisation of our local vicinity of the Milky Way is not as implausible as it seems. The tradition of astrology in all its forms has throughout human history provided us with a context, a viewpoint from which to place ourselves in the cosmos. If astrology is to continue to have meaning, it must be nurtured to grow and evolve. Thus, new formulations and practices must be developed, concurrent with traditional methods which are capable of absorbing, integrating and expanding our knowledge of the cosmos.
This is the background ideal of galactic astrology, a formulation which gives greater perspective, not to replace, but enhance the tradition, making it accessible not only to the present generation but for future generations. For example, developing a system which would be applicable not only on earth but elsewhere in space. Underlying this galactic perspective a cosmological and mythological system has been developed from first principles and work on this aspect is still ongoing.
The galactic framework is a sun centred system based on a twelve fold division of the galactic plane, rather than the ecliptic, onto which the conventional planetary positions are transposed. Each galactic sign and house have been given its own symbolism and correspondences based upon twelve fundamental areas of human life and a complete system of quadruplicies, triplicities and rulerships have been assigned. The galactic chart is generated from the traditional zodiacal chart via a simple conversion process and can be constructed for any person or event in the conventional way.
At the individual level the galactic chart provides a different perspective of the individual. In traditional horoscopes the viewpoint is essentially moon or personality centred whereas the galactic chart presents a clearer view of the solar or essential character. The zodiacal chart is satisfactory for most everyday purposes but experience has shown that the galactic chart offers a greater insight when looking at the more impersonal potential of an individual: the contribution the individual can make to society or mankind as a whole, karma and self observation. Whilst the complexity of the persona and its psychological world seems to be dealt with at a natal level quite effectively, how much of the simple quality of the emotional life is touched upon? Further how much less light is shone into the silent depths of the subconscious?
Cosmologically there are four levels of psyche in Man: Physical, Ecliptic, Galactic and Universal corresponding to Fortune, Fate, Destiny & Necessity in karmic terms. The natal chart is a description of the ecliptic or psychological level with its behaviour patterns, learned responses and ego. The Galactic chart attempts to address the starry nature, destiny, where a greater level of free will can be asserted, but for its influence and capabilities to be harnessed more effectively this level needs developing.
Any responsible Astrologer will try to 'open doors' for the person rather than simply predict events, knowing the individual has free will to achieve something greater. However, where is this will exercised and how is it directed into our lives? Perhaps a chart showing the organisation of consciousness beyond the psychological realm would help answer at least in part, some of these questions.
In a similar way that the psychological body needs integrating before that world can be mastered, an individual must have some awareness of their Galactic body to utilise it more fully. What then is the nature of this Galactic body and its corresponding chart? The chart is a view of Man as a creature of the Galaxy rather than the Solar System. Zodiacal Signs are replaced by Galactic ones, the earth centred view by a solar view, albeit earthbound. The galaxy is divided up into twelve equal portions. The starting point for these signs is the Galactic centre currently in the direction of 26 ° .
Indeed in a Zodiac chart this degree does provide a Galactic point of reference to the Nativity. However, whilst the Zodiacal chart shows a person's psychological makeup and what they can do and achieve for themselves and those immediately around them, the Galactic chart shows what a person might do the larger group as a whole: what service he might render unto nations. The Galactic signs are symbolised as twelve professions, basic activities inherent in the nature of mankind.
The Galactic chart also has twelve houses which are generated from the natal moon position therefore, being linked to psychological processes rather than the mundane areas of life as in a natal chart. The Galactic houses represent the forms to which consciousness can attach itself. In Galactic Astrology we are looking at the world of fate toward destiny rather than the world of fortune toward fate. There is an element of choice and will about matters. The houses reflect the signs in action, the mundane expression of the signs. They are ways of working and are a balance which can tip either way. The keywords represent the alternatives which are possible. On the face of it, one side appears to be for the good and the other represents the bad. However, there is no good or bad. For example, evasion, can be the best policy at times and destruction is needed before creation can take place thus they are also referred to as the 'Karmic Houses'.
Karma is neutral, what is chosen always has a consequence. The very word 'Karma' implies choice, the outcome of a situation will depend on your choice at the time. To use the example of evasion being the right choice in certain situations, it would represent a positive move. The two keywords should NOT therefore be regarded as positive and negative sides of the house in question. To use another example, exploration, is generally regarded as a positive activity. However, this would not describe accurately the person who spends all his life avoiding responsibility by endlessly travelling the world. In this case, Exploration has been turned into escapism and is negative.
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