Galactic Astrology : The Galactic Rulerships


Ruler    Description
The asteroid belt consists of many small parts which are perceivable as a whole, or can he integrated. The Law is a whole consisting of many small parts and imposes an order on chaos. The wheel of Karma regulates the unfolding of any process, so it orders the chaotic manifestations of life. This gives a framework through which we can perceive and order experience, and so give it some kind of meaning and connection to the whole.

Mars Undisciplined exploration is chaos. In order to make it meaningful, there needs to be direction, purpose and decisiveness. The discrimination of Mars is necessary for the exploration, which is concerned with the first direct experience of the unknown, which has always existed. This also applies to self exploration.

Earth-Moon This sigil is about the ability to recognise needs through the essence. Real needs, rather than spoken ones. A gardener gives careful and precise encouragement to his plants without imposing on their function. He knows the time for growth and decay. He doesn't let the ego interfere by criticism, interpretation or attachment.

Venus Venus is concerned with the building of the essence. Buildings are a symbolic recognition of that which is greater than man; they acknowledge and express this concept in solid form. It seems that modern architecture does not satisfy most people's sense of mystery and celebration. Buildings are less permanent and seem to be the same the whole world over. Perhaps architecture is making way for new expressions of mankind's energy, such as technology and space exploration. Or perhaps we have evolved a world identity which has taken over from a local one.
What ever the reason, everything serves its purpose, declines and has to make way for the new.

Mercury Since Mercury is concerned with taking in and giving out information, it rules the sigil trade. The marketplace is a meeting ground for everyone; ideas and gossip, as well as the exchange of goods and money. There are many different kinds of trader, and each one of them, if they are fair, knows how to set an accurate value on each of their wares, according to the laws of supply and demand.

Pluto The sigil Collect symbolises the culmination of the ripening of the fruit, the harvest and storage of the crop with a view to transformation of purpose for the future. It is the drawing in of all that is ready to be made whole.
The harvest represents the death of the productive seasons - the fall - and from this dormant period new riches can he brought from the soil. The gathered crop is the foundation for next year's growth.

Pluto The surgeon acts on the patient's behalf at the right time. He cauterises that which poisons, or cuts away that which we have outgrown. In this way the identification with 'dis-ease' is broken. Pluto is concerned with the stripping away of all that is unnecessary, it is the gateway through which the essence can emerge.

Neptune The good ruler is a figure head who creates the right conditions for his subjects to live out their own potential, rather than his. On the one hand he must be able to recognise all possibilities but also know that only one set of possibilities will be appropriate, others must be forsaken for the general good. All power is possible but there must be responsibility connected to the privelege of rulership. Neptune is concerned with responsibility for power.

Uranus The priest is a mediator between the Divine and man. All that he brings into being is directly from the Divine, he adds nothing of himself but interprets the experience to inspire and help his followers. Uranus, the awakener, is the energy to access the connection to God. In turn, the people do not interpret the priest, but all that he is bringing into being.

Saturn The teacher creates conditions for growth; drawing out potential rather than giving answers to questions. Saturn is not concerned with ideas and feelings, but basic structuring. Consequently, it is connected to the basic structure of each particular discipline, the view of a subject that each student develops and extends through his experience.

Jupiter The guard stands barring a doorway. His duty is to safeguard the integrity of whatever lies within. He must discern the purpose of a person's visit and only allow entry to those on valid business. Similarly, he must guard against items and persons leaving that have no valid reason to do so. Thus, the Essence of whatever lies within is preserved and enhanced rather than diminished.

Psi The planets represent functions of consciousness whereas Psi represents a point - the centre of gravity of the solar system and, therefore, the centre of gravity of the psyche. It is the point at which the new is integrated into the person and can be paralleled to a comet being caught by the gravity of the solar system.
The psyche is the organised whole and gives meaning to the Being and Art (skill) is the field for the expression of the integrated psyche.


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