Consciousness, Awareness, Recognition, Sensitivity.
The god Mercury carried messages between the gods, connecting them, but adding nothing himself. The message represents the bare bones of a situation, without the additional information given by involvement. Thus, Mercury can teach us how to be less attached and more aware, because it is not part of the action, but informs us of its existence. The sign in which Mercury is found gives a flavour to the message and demonstrates how we can learn. But if we are communicating through the essence you understand the message is not from us. Mercury also teaches us to maintain a detachment from the information and to try to view things as they really are. Mercury is expressed in actions as well as words.
In the Galactic chart, Mercury symbolises our ability to make connections consciously. It represents our perception and therefore has a direct bearing on how we teach and learn - which lead to a growth of Essence and implies being in the right place at the right time. This suggests that placement of Mercury reveals phenomena we are sensitive to; Mercury in Interpret indicates sensitivity to what people mean, in Teach, to what people need, in Nurture, to what people require. Mercury, therefore, corresponds to recognition.
In galactic terms, Mercury indicates the way we recognise and express things. It is the source of the external world. It connects the external with the internal.
How Essence is maintained, Drives, Passions, Lovers.
Venus represents the source of energy which enables us to act on the information supplied by Mercury. If Mercury is the theory then Venus is the practice. Even when completely exhausted we can summon up the energy to accomplish an objective, if the energy of Venus is accessed through enthusiasm or drive. Venus is particularly important to the individual interested in power, because of its drive; this kind of individual is concerned with building the Essence, by giving it substance.
In a nutshell, Venus perpetuates Essence. It is the provider of the drive for growth - its placement shows where Essence is most naturally satisfied. Venus indicates how Essence is maintained and where it finds sustenance - meat and drink - and, consequently, where we are moved to fulfill Essence needs. The fulfillment of these needs substantiates Essence and builds Being.
This implies selectivity over the situations and people we seek out. We accept those that promote the feeding of Essence and reject those that do not. Hence, Venus corresponds to our ability to discern and direct feelings somewhat. We seek situations where there are good, or positive, feelings since these promote the feeding and growth of essence e.g. good company, right living, etc. Consequently, Venus shows our attitude toward beauty, since situations where beauty is found promote these positive feelings. We are in harmony with such circumstances drawing people of like kind to us. Our interactions here, represent a mutual feeding and so, Venus shows what we add to, or take from situations.
Venus shows how Essence is driven and maintained - how we harmonise with conditions that help remind, nurture and maintain Essence. It shows where we are moved to fulfill Essence needs - drives, passions, 'lovers'.
How Essence manifests in the world, Self-Image.
The Earth represents the outward, physical manifestation of Essence i.e. what other people see of Essence. It shows what one appears to be; for example, if the Earth is in Build then the quality of Build comes across. It is the subtle, individual quality people see in us. Ten people cooking the same meal will do it differently.
The Earth symbolises a particular adornment to knowledge; the things you add to the things you do . This is a Self-image and that implies a limitation. In the Galactic horoscope, the outward manifestation of Essence is restricted - the Earth can appear in one of the first six houses only. But the inward manifestation of Essence is all twelve signs - a twelve-faceted jewel.
The Earth carries the vitality of the Essence, the house shows where this vitality goes.
Conscious choices, Identifications, Commitments, Consequences.
Essence defines and organises Mind through Mars. In other words, Mars shows how Essence is directed; it shows Essence's definition and form. Consequently, Mars indicates conscious choices, commitments in a given direction, what Essence identifies with and the consequences of those identifications, and responsilbility.
Conscious choice operates in terms of refinement i.e. choosing that which is good, better, best (Mars working under Saturn), as opposed to choosing good or bad, this or that, etc. (Mars working through Mercury). The exercise of such judgement (good/better/best) enables us to determine what is most fitting for a particular situation; what is most useful/useful/least useful. An attitude of 'neither accept nor reject' promotes this sort of discernment. This, in turn, leads to a development of a true personal morality - the ability to judge between good/better/best rather than right/wrong. The use of discrimination in action gives insight - the ability to see what is within.
Every choice brings about an identification between oneself and the object of that choice, be that an action, thought, feeling or whatever. Hence, Mars also symbolises what we choose to identify with - where we commit ourselves. Mars shows how Essence makes a commitment and where those commitments lie.
From the point of view of conscious development, any decision that is made implies a preparedness to accept all the consequences, and take responsibility for that choice. Galactically, Mars understands the consequences of decisions - it is to do with taking responsibility. Therefore, each of us bears the reponsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, actions, experience and knowledge.
If one judges something to be lesser, why put up with it ? Courage, direction of opportunity, is called for; a trust in that which knows which way to go.
Opportunity, Transformation, Seed.
Pluto is the absolute outside edge of the galactic body, therefore it can partake of other galaxies; it is a rogue planet. It is the link between the Galactic and the Universal; between the Conscious and the Unconscious. Hence, Pluto shows where Essence comes from and how one might access Essence. It indicates where opportunity lies - a chance to change and its place in the Galactic chart shows how one uses opportunities, their type, the directions they may take us in, their frequency, their areas of occurrence, etc. In the Galactic chart, Pluto's position shows where opportunity lies, where it is most likely to occur and its aspects show how use is made of opportunity.
When Pluto operates something completely new is touched upon and if the opportunity is seized then the inclusion of the totally new will cause an irrevocable change in oneself - Transformation. Transformations are not necessarily destructive or turbulent: one's attitude toward the change determines the degree of emotional disturbance. An attitude of acceptance will make the transformation less turbulent and 'lighter' - because there will be less resistance. In such cases, the transformation will have come from within, in effect.
Pluto sets rather than formulates transformation. In this sense it is like a seed which enables the creation of a new plant (a new being) from nutrients in the environment.
Pluto is the furthest planet from the Sun and connects the Solar system to the Galaxy. It is like a crack in a shell, at the edge of the familiar world providing opportunities that can either taken or ignored.
Organiser of Essence experience, Character, Environment.
The Moon is how Essence experience is organised. In a natal chart the Moon receives information according to itself. In a galactic chart, the Sun receives information, it is known and then organised by the Moon. The nature of the organiser will depend on the sign, the way it organises depends on the house.
The world you make affects the way you organise experience and information; these can be seen as food for the Galactic body. Therefore, the Moon forms the physicality, or foundation, of the Galactic body because it moulds the material which awakens and motivates. The world of action lies behind images and ideals; it is the reality which organises our experiences and emotions, as food for the Essence.
The Moon acts as the reflector of Essence into the world of action and denotes the areas of experience which can affect the Essence. When experience touches Essence - when things leave a mark on Essence - Character is formed. (Personality is formed by experience touching ego.) Hence, it can be said that the Moon characterises Essence, or the Moon = character.
Clearly there is a relationship here to the environment i.e. the environment you create for yourself, how you interact with it and where you find your Self. But the Moon is passive. It reacts according to the Inner Self not external circumstances. When Essence is in charge, responses are based on the reality of a given situation not on what was learned in the past. As a result, life-skills expand - useful conditioned behaviour broadens - which may be called on later.
The Moon is the true servant of the Essential nature, the environment, how one can affect it and how one is affected by it. As the servant of the Sun, it acknowledges the authority of the Sun, but will never outshine it.
Psi represents the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Due to its highly fragmented nature, the asteroid belt is taken as a symbol of our everyday mind which must be worked upon in order to make it more coherent, more organised, according to the Galactic Body.
Source of the internal world, Being, Actions.
Neptune symbolises the Great Sea - the source of everything that is possible. It is nebulous and unformed in nature.
Mundanely, it corresponds to how/where one perceives God, or the Divine; and one's notion of the Divine affects how one approaches the same (i.e. preferred philosophical/religious system).
Galactically, Neptune represents the source of the internal world. It allows Essence to be what it wants to be. Where Saturn gives the understanding of the possibility to be anything, for example, Neptune is the experience of being everything, of physically encompassing everything at one time.
The Great Sea is a source of information that lies in unconscious, nebulous areas. When the mind looks inwards, makes sense of information taken in unconsciously and forms an idea this is called intuition. When the mind is structured then 'intuition' becomes stronger and works better. This structuring, or training, occurs when philosophical/religious systems such as tarot, I ching, astrology, Christianity, etc. are mastered; their function is to organise the Neptune-mind.
Philosophy means 'love of wisdom' and wisdom is the ability to act in the world (with real understanding). This applies equally to speech since this is also an action. Put another way, when Neptune is accessed one has the knack of saying/doing the right thing at the right time such that the results of one's actions have a lasting effect i.e. one truly acts. For this reason Neptune governs actions.
Will, Creativity, Interests.
Uranus is the creative spark; the clothing for one tiny, concentrated idea. It corresponds to the use of will in the environment which, in turn, corresponds to Essence's prime motivation or, simply, Motivation. For example, in Mozart's case this was work (music). It is the source of drive - all kinds of drives, emotional drives (conscious aims), sexual/survival drives, etc. - the spark of life that keeps things going.
Uranus shows where one is actually creative; how one affects, or changes, the world through the self-motivated exercise of Will. It is the exercise of power. Its position signifies major interests since these are areas within which one is self-motivated.
Uranus' placement shows how Essence perpetuates the creative process through inspiration and will. But it should be remembered that Will operating from Essence does not work for personal gratification.
Structure, World-view, Understanding.
Saturn sets boundaries for Essence and builds within those boundaries the structure for Essence; it is structure, scaffolding, form. It represents the psychological skeleton; it is the root of phobia, the fear of death, the primitive desire to maintain one's form (integrity). It is important to note, also, that Saturn is the framework and not the emotional meaning of morality.
Saturn shows the kind of limitations that Essence places upon itself - one's expectations of life, major aims, ambitions, attachments, the standards one sets i.e. one's world-view, or perspective on life. This can be either structuring or limiting. It has been said that it is difficult for an astrologer to put aside his world-view (Marxist, Conservative, etc.) when interpreting a chart. Yet, there is a need for a view because it orders our world - but, we must remember that it is only a view.
Hence, Saturn also shows the area where one must widen one's perpective and develop a sense of scale. It shows where the potential for growth/change lies, where perspective can be broken out of. In other words, Saturn represents where true freedom can be found.
When the scale is enlarged, the point from which ideas and judgments flow (race, creed, cultural views, etc.) is changed and one can see things for what they truly are; Saturn promotes understanding. When applied to Essence, there is a recognition of what Essence truly is and an understanding of the possibility to be anything.
Expansion , Quality of Life, Service.
Jupiter corresponds to all forms of expansion (extension). Its position shows how and where one becomes bigger and how and where one is affected by things bigger than ourselves; how we can grow, how our growth may be affected by things outside ourselves.
In terms of how one extends beyond oneself, Jupiter shows personal power, i.e. the ability to affect things beyond ourselves, and how that is affected. Its placement indicates the degree of power available; power attracts and a strong Jupiter produces charisma. External awareness, which taps energy within, is an extension of the senses.
Jupiter shows how one's life is enriched - Quality of Life. It indicates how and where we find or make quality in life; where we put our treasure. It shows the devotion and love of life that spurs Essence on i.e. the actual quality of Essence and where Essence has quality. It shows the quality of heart, mercy and love. Jupiter is the joy in doing that which has to be done, for its own sake rather than doing for profit - simple pleasure, contentment.
Jupiter shows how one relates to that which is higher than oneself, e.g. Jupiter in Rule indicates monotheism. It shows how one gives service (for the sake of service, not profit), and the growth of Essence through service. Jupiter is found in (rules) the sigil where service is necessary because it embodies the ability to do the right thing at the right time, without thought of self. It is the recognition of need and the quality of knowledge which knows how to fulfill that need.
Expansion entails change, hence Jupiter shows one's attitude toward change and how one is affected by change. To Jupiter all things are impermanent.
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